Good Cause

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Good Cause Application

Step 1: Your application | Step 2: Payment

No wallet? Create wallet here (Verus Wallet, opens in new window)
Max 10 key descriptive words – and type “Processing Fee” in this section if applying ONLY for an ILN processing fee
Estimated Value for the project (in local & ILN)
Estimated Value for the project (in local & ILN): Actual Value of this application including contingency (in local & ILN):
Timeline for project expenditure (months/years)
Please describe below in less than 1000 words: the project need, the project details and impact, and the project urgency

I agree that I may be contacted by mail, on the content of this project support summary, during the project assessment phase, and that my non-response to simple queries, may cause this application to be rejected:

Please tick the following boxes that apply to this application for this good cause “project funding application”, and note that any “trustee” based organisations such as any state executive, legislative and/or judicial, OR “licensed trustee” such as licensed charity OR registered/licensed non-governmental organisations, will/shall automatically cause application rejection;

This good cause application is for private community based OR a private family organisation.
NOTE that by ticking "YES"to ANY of the next 4 questions you will disqualify your application, and you agree that you forfeit your application fee:

On receiving this good cause support application and the processing fee due, an auto email will be issued, titled “acknowledgement of good cause application”, and a seperate email will issue you a good cause application number (GCA No.);

When this good cause support application has been assessed, you will be informed by email from the ilien team, that the application has been successful, or not;

Successful applications will be given a Good Cause Funding number (GCF No.), and will be allocated the good cause value, for an estimated transfer date of the project amount, from the Master Good Cause wallet, to your receive wallet;

The following is noted for clarity:

As the uptake by the ILN community to this good cause procedure is not currently measurable, patience may be required for the duration of the good cause funding assessment;

ILN project value will be released on a monthly or bi-monthly basis – and only when the good cause master wallet has available value;

Maximum project values are at the discretion of the Ilien team;

If your Good Cause is for Project Funding ONLY, an ILN application processing fee of 25ILN is required with this application; Please fill in all sections of this form, and tick “no” in section 10;

If the Good Cause is ONLY for an ILN application fee – please fill in all sections of this form, and tick “yes” in section 10;

Good Cause applications: for Project Funding or for ILN processing fees, will only be accepted by separate applications – all such duplicate applications will be rejected;

Send and continue to: Step 2, payment

All content copyhold Ilien, 2025